2/8'09 } United as one.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Class Tee and outing

Eighttians, MYE is over!
can really relax alr. (((:
okays. here to ask you'll to poll.
its going to be announce tmr in class too.
it will be a majority-wins basis.

I am thinking of doing a class tee for everyone. (not for free)
it will not be very ex. abt $10-15
is it alrightt?
please reply in the tagborad regarding this matter.
if majority wants the tee, then the class coms and some talented artist will help to design the shirt.
we will let you see a sample.
feel free to give us any suggestions regarding the designs.
please volunteer yourself for it too..

next, according to sarah
there will be a class party..
replies at the tagboard please..

thanks alot :DDD

Shi Min ((((:

Monday, May 5, 2008
class party

hellos!!! we have already flunk three papers...hahhas!!! how was it??

btw, we are going to have a class party...hope so...we are going to have a bbq party this time
but are there any suggestion??
do you all want to go to ms lim's house again?
or maybe my condo??
or anywhere else??
do you all want to have a class party in the first place??
hahas..replies at the tagboard...
if you want to do at my condo than i can book the karaoke room...multi-purpose room and the bbp pit FOR FREE...if it's not booked luhs....
so think over it...


Can put some more music if not very sian leh when looking thru the blog!