2/8'09 } United as one.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

As you can see.
The Class Outing will be at :
Date : 18 December 2008
Time : - Not Comfirmed Yet
Venue : East Coast Park

It will most probably from morning before lunch to evening?
As not all can stay till night.
Time will be confirmed again.
Meet at East Coast Park's Mac.
Sms or MSN tell Shimin / Sarah whether you going or not.
Even not going also must tell.
Please Inform before 10 December.

We cant possibly play the whole day there
and only with your group of friends.
Maybe we will be booking the BBQ pit,
which means $$.
Please co-operate. thanks (:
You can also bring your food there.
We hope that we can play as a class, and dont leave out anyone just because you dont like him / her.

Hope you see as many 1/8 as possible.
Thanks (:

Sunday, November 16, 2008
happy belated birthday junwen

I realised that ytd was one of our classmates birthday.
Ppl! Say happy birthday to junwen! Haha
Sry for a belated one
Happy always!

Friday, November 14, 2008
new voting system[:

due to some retards who spammed the voting box,
the votings have been reset. 
So, pls vote again . Thanks for your vote [:
Sorry for the inconvenience cause .

Deadline is 20 nov [:

Monday, November 10, 2008

1 min and the new polls are out.
do vote yahh
deadline is 20 Nov.
cya all soon!

*Try to get as many eighttians to go as possible
Thanks (: *

ignore the polls for the time being as new ones will be posted again.
All the selected dates are in December as alot are not free / busy during the nov.
Please poll & hope that all eighttians can be present during the class outing (:
Thanks (:

Saturday, November 8, 2008

the results of the polls are out.
the venue of the outing will be EAST COAST.
the dates. i'll do a votings for dates as well. so do vote yahh
the deadline is 15 nov. so faster faster vote okayys.
cya all soon!

Monday, November 3, 2008

there are polls at the side of the blog.
please vote.

the blog seem like it needs a coffin?

back to the point :D

class outings is suggested :}
suggested by SiMin, Rachel & Sarah

And Dates?
must be after 10 Nov in order to go with Mr Ong!
Which day you cant plz tell someone who have this blog's pass!
we will cancel off :P

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and btw, support Sarah Blogshop!


Sunday, November 2, 2008
class tee or outings

hellos ppl!
i was thinking of having a class outing.
i was thinking of escape theme park or east coast.
anyone got any suggestions?
those interested cann give suggestions in the chat box.
please recommend dates too.

now, for the class tee. since all of you were not very co-orperative, we decided to cancel it and try it again next time. i promise we will have our class tee =D

so yea, that's all for now. happy holidays!