2/8'09 } United as one.
Saturday, February 28, 2009

For those who haven give the class photo money, please bring it on MONDAY!
Tuesday will be the last day. No money=no photo. tyvm

Thursday, February 19, 2009

people oh people !

the class list for the class tee will be pass ard this few days .
so pls co-operate and tick yes or no. 
dont want = tick no
want = tick yes
fyi, we are not forcing you people to buy (:

suggestions are wanted ! 
pls tell your suggestions for the class tee to agnes or simin or write on the paper that is passed ard.
and also , forget to tell you all whether you all want to chose t-shirt or jersey.


Saturday, February 14, 2009


Wish you many many Valentine's presents! :D
And wish you last long with your loved ones :)

Saturday, February 7, 2009
a new background skin?

hey could someone who could change the skin to
black to white pls do fast
black really makes this blog looks dead
and scary
thx! :D

-Douglas :)

everyone has been relinked/link.
for those that we have miss out, do tag at the tagboard [:

and as for the class blogskin, for those people who thinks is ugly/stupid,
pls give suggestions. or even help to do a blogskin for the class.

and , action speaks louder than words :D

thanks [:

- agnes (:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

people !
pls give suggestions on how to update this blog since most of you say that this blog is dead. 
thanks [:

and happy belated birthday RACHELLLL ! 
heeeheez .  

Sunday, February 1, 2009

New url :)
relink please tyvm .
if anyone want t do the class blogskin, go ahead .
If there is any mistake about your info, or you wanna be link or what-so-ever, please tag at the tagboard ^^
Any suggestion for the choice of music?
If not veryveryvery sian ya knoe.
And pleasexz help keep the class blog alive .

- Siminxz :)