2/8'09 } United as one.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
syf showcase


the syf showcase was nice nice nice!!! congrats to the performing arts. they have done a very very very good ones!
the evening showcase was crowded with lots of people lorhs.
and yeaps, all the performing arts were fantastic! :DD

ok, byes!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

hey yo peeps!!!
hahas, just came to make the class blog alive -.-

anws, now exam perioddddd!! all mug mug mug! its still counted in overrall okayys.
and i dont want to see anybody not passing in 2/8 '09. i want everyone to pass with flying colourrrrss!

so yeah, here's some note for you guys. (:
7 may - english !
14 may - history , maths
15 may - science, geo

history, chapter 2,3,5,6. untill page 108.
maths, everything of book 2A EXCEPT chapter 5.
science, C3, C4, D1, D4, D5, D6, D7, D8, E1, F3, F4 (not very confirmed for this ehh..)
geo, chapter 1 TO 11. including map reading.

please ahh people. STUDY STUDY.
we can do it! xD

-Sarah (:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

hahah !
congrats drama for getting gold, band for silver, choir for silver, co for silver and dance for gold !
hehe ! 
for those ccas that did not get gold, never mind. think of the good side.
at least silver is better than bronze or even COP right ? :D

syf's finally over, mye is just the day aft tomorrow? LOL.

everyone JY for your mye and also, PES !!! 


im here to keep the class blog alive!

SYFs finally over guys!
Everyone did a good jobbb!

MYEs coming.
First paper. MT. This friday.
Everyone ready for it?

Remember to study/....

All the best for your exams!

♥bbt (: